Rules and Regulations (Terms and Conditions) of Membership
Acceptance of these rules is a condition of membership of Hampshire Self Protection Ltd and any of it's affiliate clubs (hereafter referred to as 'Hampshire Self Protection Ltd', ‘the club’ or ‘club’).
Although we are a friendly club, there are a few rules we expect our members to adhere to.
Once you have it, please wear your club uniform including your belt and bring all sparring gear with you to all classes. Forgotten sparring gear may mean you are given something different to do during that class for your own safety. Due to the close nature of martial arts, please remove jewellery whilst training, keep fingernails and toenails short and clean, uniforms clean and maintain good personal hygiene. Please arrive on time, if you are late please make sure an instructor is aware you have arrived before commencing training. Only suitable footwear should be worn in the training area, no shoes or outside footwear is permitted on mats. Socks should only be worn with prior permission from the instructor and are recommended to be non-slip. The club accepts no responsibility for injuries caused by slipping whilst wearing unsuitable footwear.
Spectators must not enter the training area at any time during classes.
Expected behaviour
We are very proud that students say we are such a warm, friendly club, in order to maintain this standard all students are expected to behave in a respectful and courteous manner to instructors, fellow students and spectators. Poor behaviour will be dealt with during any 1 class as follows:
1. Verbal warning (all students)
2. Time out (for children)
3. Time out and no games at the end, plus parents notified of behaviour. (for children)
4. Written warning (all students)
5. If poor behaviour continues we reserve the right to expel students temporarily or permanently from the club without refund or notice.
After-School classes:
After-school club students pay a reduced monthly fee which takes into account that classes may be slightly disrupted due to planned or unplanned closures eg but not limited to school holidays, instructor illness or any other closures beyond our control. When these occur, please do not stop your monthly payments as fees must continue being paid as usual and no refund is due but students may request replacement classes within the same month which will be at Swanage Methodist Church on Saturday mornings. This needs to be by prior booking via an email request, sent at least 48 hours before the requested class, to (if the requested class has no availability alternative dates will be offered).
Summer Holidays:
Summer holidays are a time when the club can see attendance drop significantly. This is not good for the club who still have their usual bills and outgoings to pay or for students who should try to maintain their skill levels, so, wherever possible, continuous training whether in person or online is highly recommended. For these reasons, the following terms and conditions are applicable.
After-school club students are encouraged to continue training throughout the summer holidays to maintain their skills and have the possibility of taking part in the next grading (held every 3 months for students who have trained at 80% or more of the previous classes).
Students going away for a few weeks at a time can catch up on what they have missed when they return and still have the possibility of taking part in the next grading (held every 3 months for students who have trained at 80% or more of the previous classes).
Those unable to attend classes for more than a month should continue paying their fees to keep their membership active (see point 4 below) but may ask if they want some online training to work on while they are away to keep their skills up and still have the possibility of taking part in the next grading.
If 1month or more of payments are stopped or missed the student will be deemed to have left the club, If they wish to re-join and there are spaces available, they will be required to repay the current joining and training fees which may have increased since they originally joined.
Adults/Parents etc
Payments, Training and membership fees: All training fees are due by the 1st day of each month (including school holidays) and membership, licence and insurance fees by 1 week before they are due to expire (to allow time for the payment to process). Our preferred payment method is via but if you are unable or unwilling to pay by this method extra charges may be incurred (please ask for details). Please pay all fees on time, students are unable to train until their account is fully settled. Students can not train if their payments are in arrears and will be sent home if they try to attend classes without first making payment, we accept no responsibility for non-paying students. If 1month or more of payments are stopped or missed the student will be deemed to have left the club, If they wish to re-join and there are spaces available, they will be required to repay the current joining and training fees which may have increased since they originally joined.
Do not cancel your monthly payment without giving 31 days paid notice, this notice is required so we can pay our own bills and instructor wages.If you wish to downgrade or cancel your membership we require 31 days paid notice at the current training fee rate. Stopping or reducing payments without notice is the equivalent of a company not paying its employee their expected wage at the end of the month or not paying for a service that you have received so failure to give the required notice and payment will result in a court claim being made against you for the money owed plus interest and costs incurred, all of which can affect the bill payer's ability to apply for credit in future. To start your notice to leave please email saying why you wish to start your notice or phone 07888 660225 and speak to Ian Rand (if you are unable to reach him, please leave a voice message saying why you wish to start your notice and appropriate times to call you back). All payments made to Hampshire Self Protection Ltd for any reason are non-refundable.
Spectators: Spectators are welcome but must not interrupt the class, we reserve the right to ask spectators to wait outside the training area if they are causing disturbance to students’ training in any way.
Children and Safeguarding: Leaving children at the club (not applicable to after school clubs) - Children under 9 years old must not be left at the club and must be accompanied by a parent/carer at all times. Please do not leave children of any age at class without another adult (not the instructor) who has confirmed they will be present at all times until you collect your child(ren). If you drop off your child(ren) without first checking if another adult (not including the instructor) is present, you may be contacted and asked to return to the club. You must be contactable by the number you have given us at all times when your child(ren) is/are left with us.
Please ensure your children have used the toilet before classes and have a bottle of water with them. Please accompany children to the toilet unless you are happy they are responsible, we accept no responsibility for accidents of any kind. Please control siblings and younger children and tidy up after them - they must not enter the training area at any time and if they disturb the class will be asked to leave.
After school club students must be collected from the main hall and leave by no later than 4:10 pm (you may arrive from 3:45 pm). If you are going to be later than 4:10 pm please text 07888 660225 and come to the main reception to collect your child. All after school club students may replace their non-term time classes by coming to one of the other ones that will be running 48 weeks of the year (please check as soon as possible with Sensei Ian before coming to a replacement class to make sure there are spaces at your chosen replacement class).
Contact: If students or spectators have any comments or questions, they should (in order of preference) be:
Emailed to, texted to 07888 660225 or put in writing and handed to the instructor in an envelope BEFORE your class begins.
NB: There is not enough time to discuss issues between classes and priority will be given to the next class starting, not the class leaving.
Photography and videography
Photography and/or videography are strictly forbidden without first gaining permission from the Instructor BEFORE class - please also remember we may have children in class whose parents have requested their child does not appear in pictures etc (if you would also like to request this please email us to let us know).
Health & Safety including Covid-19
By participating in training with us in any location, you are doing it at your own risk and must ensure you have adequate and non-slip floor space in which to participate & you have no health concerns.
Coronavirus Absolute Exclusion
Notwithstanding any other provision (including any communicable disease extension), no liability is accepted by either Hampshire Self Protection Ltd, its employees or members for any claim, loss, cost or expense of whatever nature directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to by or resulting from coronavirus disease (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), or any mutation or variation thereof.
This exclusion also applies to any claim, loss, cost or expense of whatever nature directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to by or resulting from:
(i) any fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of; or
(ii) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any outbreak of; coronavirus disease (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), or any mutation or variation thereof.’
In the interest of safety:
● Jewellery should be removed or taped over.
● Finger and toenails should be kept clean and short.
● Students train barefoot indoors – socks (with grip if not training on mats) may be worn if students have a fungal infection or in cold weather but should not be worn as a habit as it affects performance. Trainers and outside footwear are only permitted during training on non-matted surfaces and only with the instructor’s prior permission.
NB We may occasionally train outside so it is the students own responsible to bring and wear anything they may require for protection from the weather and conditions at these times.
Uniform (once received) may only be worn as below:
○ Juniors – Gi (uniform) and Obi (belt) OR club t-shirt or plain white t-shirt with no buttons, zips or collars (these may also be worn under gis) for extra warmth, club hoodies only, may be worn in colder weather.
○ Seniors – Gi or Club t-shirt and club hoodies only, red or black shorts or jogging type trousers (no zips or buttons).
● Arrive and collect children on time (after school club collection no later than 16:10).
● Inform the Instructor if you expect to be late or absent.
● If you are late see the Instructor for registration before joining in.
● No food or drink to be consumed in the training area, all spillages should be immediately cleaned and brought to the Instructor’s attention.
● Children should treat classes, fellow students and Instructor’s with the same respect and behaviour as they would be expected to with school and teachers.
● Adults, likewise as they would with work colleagues and managers.
Membership of the club means you confirm and agree to all of the previous and following terms and conditions and that all the contact and health details you have provided are always correct to the best of your knowledge. You understand that all details will be kept confidentially on record, and will only be given to those with a relevant need to see them such as insurers. You accept that the practice of Martial Arts training may involve the risk of injury and that it is your responsibility to ensure you have suitable protective equipment, valid and up to date insurance and a licence. You agree that you will only use your skills for self-defence, or the defence of others in support of the law, and Hampshire Self Protection Ltd is in no way responsible for your actions. You consent to emergency first aid treatment to be given if needed until emergency services arrive and if necessary for the applicant to be transported to the nearest Accident and Emergency department for treatment. You/they do not have any medical condition that prevents you/them from taking part in strenuous exercise. It is also your responsibility to update Hampshire Self Protection Ltd with any changes in your/their personal details or health. You accept that the applicant may appear in photographs, video or promotional material (unless you have requested by email that they do not) and hereby waive any rights or ownership to said material and any money or profits received as a result of its publication. You understand the monthly fee, which is payable every month whether you or the applicant attend classes or not, is calculated to cover 48 weeks of the year over a 12-month period and does not include Bank and Public holidays, Christmas Holidays when the club will be closed for the 2 week Christmas period and Instructors annual leave of 2 weeks at any point in the year which will be notified to students with at least 1 calendar month’s notice where possible. Please note that we do not offer term-time-only memberships or a pay-as-you-go option, however, missed classes may be caught up on via recording which can be requested and will be available until the next week. You accept that on rare occasions when classes can not be held due to circumstances outside of Hampshire Self Protection Ltd’s control an alternative class (where possible) will be offered in the same month but no further compensation will be due. You understand that no compensation is due if you/they are unable to attend any classes or events. You agree to give 1 full month’s payment and notice by emailing saying why you wish to start your notice or phoning 07888 660225 and speaking to Ian Rand (if you are unable to reach him, please leave a voice message saying why you wish to start your notice and appropriate times to call you back). All payments made to Hampshire Self Protection Ltd for any reason are non-refundable.
You understand that permission to take photographs or video must first be obtained from the Instructor before doing so and that all published pictures including those uploaded to the internet in any way must refer to Swanage Martial Arts club in accordance with parental permission for photographs and video to be used for promotional use only.